The contemporary church suffers from a famine for hearing the words of God, but it is a self-inflicted wound.
Many credible
men of God have warned that the Church will experience a “famine for the
word of God.” I initially took this as a prediction that the Bible itself would
be suppressed even in Western-style democracies as governmental authorities persecuted
the Church. The actual “famine” is something rather different.
These men of God often cited a passage in the
Book of Amos to validate their prediction: “The days are
coming when I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor
a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Yahweh” - (Amos 8:11).
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[Photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash] |
This prophecy was given to the Kingdom of Israel. The key phrase, “the words of Yahweh,” referred originally to the words of God spoken by His prophets to the nation. As God withdrew His hand from Israel, His prophetic declarations became few and far between. This “famine” is the reality today and in ways faithful to the original text.
Paradoxically, the “famine of hearing
the words of God” is raging even when access to the Bible is easy and
inexpensive, and tens of thousands of “prophets” and “apostles” occupy our
pulpits while claiming to speak for the Lord. In Amos, it was Yahweh Himself
who withdrew His spoken word. The People of God refused to hear, so God
chose not to speak.
There are genuine prophets today, but to
find one and hear genuine words from the Lord you must slog your way through the
vast swamp of deception that has overwhelmed too many churches. The man who
knows and faithfully communicates the word of God is the rare exception that
proves the rule.
The cause of today’s “famine” is not the
suppression of the Bible by the State but the ignorance of Scripture that
prevails in our pews, and its twisting by the deceivers in our pulpits. Many believers
know little of what the Bible says, let alone how to study it themselves. They welcome
false teachers who “tickle their ears,” the money-grubbing hustlers who propagate
sweet-sounding “doctrines of demons.” They have transformed Charismatic
Christianity, in particular, into a profitable business devoted to their true
god, Mammon.
So-called “Prophetic” leaders steer us away from reliance on the Bible. Instead of clinging to Scripture, we are encouraged to pursue subjective personal and mystical experiences and “revelation” from the “spirit realm.” Why labor to learn the Bible when you can receive instant “downloads from Heaven” through dreams, visions, numerology, stargazing, and angelic visitations?
This is a tragedy of our own making. We
prefer exciting experiences and easy “words” from Facebook “prophets” over the
written Word of God. In Amos, God Himself withdrew His words from the
nation. If we continue our present course, He may do the same in our day. If
we, like ancient Israel, refuse to hear His clear words recorded in Scripture
for our benefit, why should God make the effort to communicate with us any
Jesus warns us that many deceivers will
come and “deceive many.” His stress is on the term “many.” And so,
it has come to pass in our day. As Paul, who was a genuine Apostle, also warned
- Many choose not to “endure sound doctrine; instead, having itching ears, they have heaped to themselves teachers after their lusts, and turned aside their ears from the truth, and turned instead to fables.”
Paul left instructions on how to avoid deception
and apostasy, by “holding fast the traditions you received from us.” That
Apostolic Tradition is preserved in the New Testament. If we fail to take
advantage of the present opportunity to learn the Word and make it our own, not
only will deception continue to prevail in our churches, but it will be too
late when the storms of persecution and apostasy do arrive. We will be
overwhelmed and swept away.
The “words of Yahweh” will save us,
not the words of false prophets who “disguise themselves as angels of light”
and tell us what we want to hear.
[PDF Copy]
- Ignoring Scripture - (Was the Apostle Paul serious when he told Timothy to appoint elders and ministers who were above reproach?)
- Mysteries Revealed - (God’s mysteries are unveiled in Jesus, especially in his Death and Resurrection. Are we looking for revelation in the right places?)
- Stand Fast in the Tradition - (To avoid deception and apostasy believers must cling to the apostolic traditions, lest they drift away)
- Famine dans l'Église - (L'Église contemporaine est en proie à la famine pour les paroles de Dieu, une famine qui est une blessure auto-infligée)
Amen. Ignorance of the word of God. We have no excuse.