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- Juste Jugement de Dieu - {Copie PDF} - (L'arrivée de Jésus signifiera la justification et le repos pour les justes, mais une perte éternelle pour les méchants - 2 Thessaloniciens 1: 5-10)
- La Récolte Finale - {Copie PDF} - (Les saints seront rassemblés devant Jésus au Dernier Jour, et les méchants seront rassemblés pour le jugement et chassés de sa présence)
- La Fin de la Mort - {Copie PDF} - (L'arrivée de Jésus à la fin de l'âge signifiera la fin du Dernier Ennemi, à savoir la Mort - 1 Corinthiens 15: 24-28)
- L'Esprit de l'Antéchrist - {Copie PDF} - (L'Esprit de l'Antéchrist travaille à détruire l'Église de l'intérieur, en particulier par la tromperie propagée par des séducteurs – 1 Jean 2: 18-22)
- La Dernière Heure - Antéchrist - {PDF Copy} - (La présence de faux enseignants dans l'Église démontre que la période connue sous le nom des Derniers Jours est en cour)
- Bêtes dans l'Église - {PDF Copy} - (Tout au long de l'âge actuel, l'Église est en proie à des séducteurs de l'intérieur qui sont envoyés pour détruire le Corps de Christ)
- Rumeurs et Désinformation - {Copie PDF} - (Les rumeurs sur le Jour du Seigneur ont semé l'inquiétude et la confusion dans la congrégation de Thessalonique – 2 Thessaloniciens 2: 1-2)
- Événements Manquants - {Copie PDF} - (Deux événements doivent se produire avant que le Jour du Seigneur ne commence: L'Apostasie et le dévoilement de l'Homme d'iniquité)
- L'Apostasie Finale - {Copie PDF} - (Paul a mis en garde contre l'Apostasie future et l'a liée au dévoilement de l'Homme de l'Anarchie, le Fils de la Destruction)
- Imposteurs Hurlants - {PDF Copy} - (Le Nouveau Testament met en garde à plusieurs reprises contre la venue de trompeurs et de faux prophètes qui amèneront beaucoup de gens à s'éloigner de la foi)
- Fils de Destruction - {PDF Copy} - (De nombreux chrétiens apostasieront lorsque l'Homme de l'iniquité, le Fils de la Destruction, s'assiéra dans le Sanctuaire de Dieu)
- Assis dans le Sanctuaire - {PDF Copy} - (L'Homme de l'Anarchie sera révélé à ceux qui ont des yeux pour voir quand il prendra sa place dans la Maison de Dieu - 2 Thessaloniciens 2: 3-4)
- Le Sanctuaire de Dieu - {PDF Copy} - (Le Nouveau Testament applique le langage et les images du Temple de la Bible hébraïque au Corps du Christ, l'habitation du Dieu Vivant)
- La Patience de Dieu - {PDF Copy} - (Le retard apparent du retour du Christ est dû à la miséricorde de Dieu alors qu'Il attend patiemment que l'Évangile atteigne toutes les nations)
- Le Signe Définitif - {Copie PDF} - (La Fin ne viendra pas tant que l'Évangile du Royaume de Dieu n'aura pas été proclamé à toutes les nations - Matthieu 24: 14)
- Just Judgment - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus will mean vindication and rest for the righteous, but everlasting loss for the wicked - 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Disinformation - {PDF Copy} - (Rumors about the Day of the Lord caused alarm and confusion in the Thessalonian congregation – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2)
- Two Pivotal Events - {PDF Copy} - (Two events must occur before the Day of the Lord begins - The Apostasy and the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness)
- The Apostasy - {PDF Copy} - (Paul warned of the future Apostasy and linked it to the unveiling of the Man of Anarchy, the Son of Destruction)
- Howling Imposters - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament repeatedly warns of coming deceivers and false prophets who will cause many to depart from the faith)
- The Son of Destruction - {PDF Copy} - (Many saints will apostatize when the Lawless One, the Son of Destruction, seats himself in the Sanctuary of God)
- Seated in the Sanctuary - {PDF Copy} - (The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he takes his seat in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- The Sanctuary of God - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament applies Temple language and imagery from the Hebrew Bible to the Body of Christ, the habitation of the Living God)
- The Final Harvest - {PDF Copy} - (The saints will be assembled before Jesus on the Last Day, and the wicked will be collected for judgment and cast from his presence)
- The Last Enemy - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus at the end of the age will mean the end of the Last Enemy, namely, Death - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28)
- Hastening the Day - {PDF Copy} - (The apparent delay in Christ’s return is due to God’s mercy as He waits patiently for the Gospel of His Kingdom to reach all men)
- The Sign of the End - {PDF Copy} - (The End will not come until the Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations – Matthew 24:14)
- Babylon Strides the Earth - {PDF Copy} - (“Babylon” symbolizes the recurring rise of the world empire and its self-appointed kings and tyrants, and it strides across the Earth even today)
- The Coming Storm - {PDF Copy} - (Is a final revival with mighty signs and supernatural wonders the solution to the church's ills and the salvation of this fallen world?)
- No Holdout Nation - {PDF Copy} - (The Inhabitants of the Earth refuse to follow the Lamb. Instead, they give their allegiance and homage to the Beast)
- The Ascending Beast - {PDF Copy} - (To identify the Antichrist, we must understand what the relevant passages say about him, his methods, and his agenda)
- The Spirit of Antichrist - {PDF Copy} - (The Antichrist Spirit works to destroy the church from within, especially through deception propagated by false teachers and other deceivers – 1 John 2:18-22)
- Has Bible Prophecy Failed? - {PDF Copy} - (After decades of failed expectations and predictions, it is time for believers to reexamine popular ideas about the Last Days)
- Earthquakes and Such - {PDF Copy} - (If recent earthquakes in “various places” are harbingers of the end, what makes one quake “prophetic” but not another one?)
- What Rapture? - {PDF Copy} - (The Rapture is an interpretation of a passage that originally concerned the resurrection of dead believers at the arrival of Jesus)
- Monthly Prognosticators - {PDF Copy} - (The practice of divining the future from the Hebrew calendar has no basis in the teachings of Jesus or his Apostles)
- The Illusive Last Generation - {PDF Copy} - (The end-time Prophecy Industry has hoodwinked believers for generations with tales about how they are the last generation and will see Christ’s return)
- Indisputable Evidence - {PDF Copy} - (“The Spirit expressly says that in later seasons some will revolt from the faith, giving heed unto seducing spirits and teachings of demons” – 1 Timothy 4:1)
- House of Cards - {PDF Copy} - (The history of the failed expectations in popular preaching is causing many to begin grasping at prophetic straws)
- Deceiving and being deceived - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament repeatedly warns of coming deceivers and false prophets who will cause many disciples to depart from the faith)
- Daniel Unsealed - {PDF Copy} - (Daniel was commanded to seal the scroll, but the angel sent by Jesus commanded John NOT to do so since the season is at hand)
- Prophetic Blunders - {PDF Copy} - (Time and again, popular preaching on end-time prophecy has propagated predictions and expectations that have not come to pass)
- Times and Seasons - {PDF Copy} - (We have all that we need in Jesus and his teachings, so why are so many seeking answers in counterfeits and pale imitations?)
- The Holy City - {PDF Copy} - (New Jerusalem will be populated to fulfill the promise to bless all nations through the Patriarch, Abraham– Revelation 21:24-22:5)
- The Ultimate Imposter - {PDF Copy} - (The False Prophet will mimic the Lamb’s servants and sell the Beast from the Sea as the Lamb to the world – Revelation 13:11-18)
- The Last Hour - Antichrist - {PDF Copy} - (The presence of false teachers in the Church demonstrates that the period known as the Last Days is underway)
[Olympic Mountains Photo by Stephen Kraakmo on Unsplash] |