Where in the New Testament do we find Jesus or Paul teaching us how to decode spiritual insights or future events from Hebrew year numbers or month names? Moreover, today's popular “prophets” are seeking omens in perfectly natural events, including lunar and solar eclipses, the appearance of a comet, rainbows, and even unusual cloud formations.
[Photo by joel protasio on Unsplash] |
It seems every month, week, and even day we find ourselves entering another unique “season” when God operates in new and different ways. Apparently, the Almighty works on the clock, and the arts of divination are alive and well in the Church formerly of Jesus Christ but now of something quite alien.
When pronouncing the downfall of Ancient Babylon, Isaiah chided her
for relying on the dark arts:
- (Isaiah 47:1-13) - “Down and sit in the dust, O virgin Daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground, throneless Daughter of the Chaldeans; for you will no more be called Tender and Dainty… Take your stand, I pray you, with your spells, and with the throng of your incantations wherein you have wearied yourself from your youth. Peradventure you may be able to profit, peradventure you may strike me with terror. You have worn yourself out with the mass of your consultations. Let them take their stand that they may save you, the dividers of the heavens, the gazers at the stars, they who MAKE KNOWN BY NEW MOONS, some of the things which shall come upon you.”
clause, “make known by new moons” or “monthly prognosticator” in
several English translations, represents the Hebrew words for “moon” and “know”
(chodesh, yada‘). It refers to SOOTHSAYERS who would divine the future
from lunar phases, especially the new moon that marked the start of each month
in both the Babylonian and Hebrew calendars.
term, “dividers of heaven,” translates a word derived from Mesopotamian
astrology, one that originally described the practice of dividing the night sky into what
became the zodiacal constellations.
contrast to many popular preachers, the Apostle Paul warned us that reverting to
calendrical observations amounts to regression, a return to enslavement under
the “elemental spirits” (“You narrowly observe days and months and
seasons and years. I am afraid of you, lest by any means I have bestowed labor
upon you in vain”).
But “stargazing” and “monthly prognosticating” only scratch the surface of the use of occult practices by far too many of today’s self-proclaimed prophets.
example, many are promoting mysticism and meditation under the name
“contemplative prayer.” Thus, the occult and things prohibited to God’s children in the Scriptures are repackaged with Christian-sounding
window dressing and peddled to unsuspecting believers as a means to decipher
God’s will and enter and navigate spiritual realms.
popular “Christian” song promotes the mystical adage “As above, so below; As
below, so above,” a mantra borrowed from Hermeticism and Theosophy, the former an old occult philosophy often linked to the
Egyptian god Thoth.
“leaders” seek new insight into God’s “mysteries” from extra-biblical and mystical
sources, including the Kabbalah, 1 Enoch, the book of Jasher,
and the Zohar. Never mind the New Testament claim that all God's
mysteries are revealed in Jesus of Nazareth!
These practices are performed, supposedly, to acquire deeper “spiritual experiences” and peer into the “spirit world,” thereby obtaining new so-called revelation.
However, as the saints in Thyatira were warned, the day is coming when
we will discover to our dismay that such things do not constitute revelation but are, in reality, the “DEEP
THINGS OF SATAN” - (Revelation 2:18-24).
replacement of Scripture by divination, mysticism, incantations and verbal formulas should come as no
surprise. Paul also warned of a coming proliferation of “doctrines of demons”
that would cause “some to fall away from the faith.” “Evil men and SORCERERS
(goétes) will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” - (1
Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 3:13).
uses the term “sorcerers” in the same context in which he compares deceivers
with the Egyptian soothsayers who withstood Moses – “Jannes and Jambres.”
Having “itching ears," many Christians are now "heaping up
to themselves teachers after their own lusts. They will turn away their ears
from the truth and turn aside to fables.”
The irony is that many "Christian" practitioners of these dark arts whine constantly about “spirits of witchcraft
and Jezebel,” yet they engage in sorcery, astrology, numerology, and
calendrical calculations.
Paul warned that two things must precede the “Day
of the Lord,” namely, the “apostasy” and the “Man of Lawlessness.”
Clearly, the first is upon us even now. Perhaps the second is not far behind, and he will appear in the Sanctuary of God, namely, the Church.
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