Human history has been dominated by the attempts of tyrants and empires to conquer and rule regions and peoples, and today, the latest incarnation of this age-old Empire is working feverishly to impose its rule over the entire planet. This is an old story but one that will culminate at the end of the age when the war between it and the Kingdom of God reaches its climax as Satan gathers his earthly forces in a final effort to annihilate the saints.
Unfortunately, many of our churches have
done an inadequate job of teaching the biblical perspective on this old
conflict, the war by the “Dragon” against the people of God documented
in the Bible from the first chapters of Genesis to the Book of Revelation.
Consequently, many Christians may find their allegiance to Jesus has been
compromised by their political engagements with the current version of the Empire.
[Photo by Constantinos Kollias on Unsplash] |
This biblical perspective is historical, spiritual, and eschatological. It traces this war through history, provides insights into the larger cosmic battle being waged behind the scenes, and tells “those with ears to hear” how it will end when Jesus returns at the end of the age.
Thus, the “Serpent” that beguiled
Eve in the Garden is found also in the Book of Revelation when the “Ancient
Serpent,” namely, the Devil, launches this final war on “those who have
the testimony of Jesus.” However, in the end, the “Lamb” destroys
Satan and his allies, and the Kingdom of God and those who follow the “Lamb”
prevail and reign supreme over the earth - (Revelation 12:1-17; 20:1-10).
This ancient story begins with the
Tower of Babel incident if not earlier with Nimrod, perhaps the first
ruler of Babel, and, arguably, a forerunner of the “Beast from the Sea,”
a story that is echoed in the Book of Daniel when the latest ruler
of “Shinar,” Nebuchadnezzar, gathers all nations to pay homage to the
great golden image that he sets up in the “Plain of Dura.”
The Neo-Babylonian Empire was not a new
political entity, but the latest version of Satan’s agelong effort to conquer
all humanity and destroy the saints, a plan that has been underway since human
civilization commenced.
In Genesis, God stops the rulers of
Babel from completing the “high tower” in the “plain of the
land of Shinar” by diversifying the single language spoken at the time and dispersing
the resulting linguistic groups across the earth. That story provides the
origins of the Babylonian Empire, at least from the biblical perspective -
(Genesis 11:1-9).
Originally, the “whole earth was of one
language.” The descendants of Noah migrated to Mesopotamia and dwelt “in
the land of Shinar,” the Hebrew equivalent of ‘Sumer,’ and they
began to build a city with a high tower that would “reach the heavens and,
thus, make us a name, lest we be scattered across the whole earth.”
In the beginning, God commanded Adam to “multiply,
replenish and subdue the earth,” the very command reiterated to Noah after
the Flood. Nevertheless, instead of heeding the divine directive, humanity moved
to Mesopotamia and built a new civilization to “make a name” for itself.
And in the Bible, ‘Babylon’ is characterized by its presumptuousness and idolatrous
conceit - (Genesis 1:28, 9:1, Isaiah 14:13-14, Jeremiah 32:20).
If humanity united under one language, its
wickedness would know no bounds. By confounding human languages, God caused the
nations to spread throughout the earth, and He thwarted the first attempt to
form a centralized imperial government.
The Bible calls this Mesopotamian city ‘Babel’,
the place where “Yahweh confounded the language of all the earth.” The
name may be related to the Hebrew word balal, meaning, “confusion.”
At that time, the “whole earth was of one speech.” When men began to
dwell in “Shinar” (i.e., Sumer), they built a city with a
tower of “great height” in the “plain” to mark their achievements
and prevent the dispersal of humanity.
Likewise, in Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar
attempts to reverse God’s judgment against Ancient Shinar by gathering
representatives from every nation to be educated in the language
of Babylon, the “tongue” of the World Empire.
He also commanded all nations to render
homage to the “great image” that he had “set up in the plain of Dura,” and then decreed that “all peoples, races, and tongues”
should render homage to it.
The whole earth was to be united under his rule and by the universal use of the Babylonian “tongue” and the worship of
the great golden image “set up” by the Babylonian emperor - (Genesis
11:2, Daniel 3:1-7).
But despite appearances, the Book of Daniel insists from its first paragraph that God reigns over the kingdoms of the world and grants rulership to whomever He pleases. It presents a definitive theology of history - (Daniel 1:1-2, 2:20-21, 4:17).
The Book begins by recounting how Nebuchadnezzar
overthrew the king of Judah and removed the golden vessels from the Temple to
the “treasure-house of his god in the land of Shinar.” In the king’s
mind, no doubt, a tribute to the superiority of his god.
In fact, the destruction of Judah occurred
because “the Lord gave it into the king’s hand.” Nebuchadnezzar was
Yahweh’s instrument of judgment on His wayward nation.
The subjugation of Judah created a
theological dilemma for patriotic members of Israel since the Babylonians had conquered
what remained of the kingdom. Moreover, the name of their new overlord, Nebuchadnezzar,
includes the name of the Mesopotamian god Nebo. From a human
perspective, the pagan gods of Babylon had triumphed over the God of Israel.
Furthermore, the latest “King of Babel”
was reversing the ancient decree of Yahweh by seizing God’s “house,”
gathering scattered nations back to “Shinar,” and imposing his pagan
tongue on one and all. Judah’s tribute included high-ranking exiles sent
to Babylon to be educated in its culture and language.
All this constituted a national catastrophe
for the Jewish nation, yet the book of Daniel declares that it was the
Lord who GAVE all this into the hands of the pagan enemy of His
people - (Daniel 1:4).
And the Hebrew verb rendered “GAVE” in
the book’s opening sentence is applied several more times in the first chapter.
First, God GAVE the kingdom of Judah into the “hand
of Nebuchadnezzar.” Second, Daniel was “GIVEN favor and sympathy with
the prince of the eunuchs.”
Third, Yahweh GAVE Daniel
and his companions “knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom.” And
fourth, Daniel was “GIVEN” understanding in all visions and dreams.
The Babylonian king put Daniel and his friends
to the test and “found them ten times better than all the scribes and
enchanters that were in his realm.” Therefore, they were promoted to serve in
his court.
Despite the disaster that had befallen Judah,
subsequent events demonstrated that God was using the lowly Jewish exiles to
achieve His purposes and direct the course of human history - (Daniel 1:17-20).
In Chapter 2, events occur in the second
year of Nebuchadnezzar, well before the completion of Daniel’s Babylonian
education. His successful interpretation of the king’s dream is not
attributable to his newly acquired Babylonian knowledge base, but to the “discernment in
all visions and dreams”
given to him by God.
Nebuchadnezzar dreams a dream that troubles
him, and therefore, he commands the wise men of Babylon to reveal its
contents and meaning, which they are unable to do. Enraged, the king orders the
destruction of all the wise men of Babylon.
But Daniel intervenes by requesting a time
when he can make the dream’s interpretation known, then he prays for the
revelation of “this mystery.” Yahweh responds by revealing the king’s
dream and its interpretation.
In response, Daniel praises the God who - “removes kings and sets up kings… He is the One Who reveals the deep and hidden things…for the matter of the king have you made known to us.”
Daniel next revealed the dream and its
interpretation to Nebuchadnezzar. Thus, through the prophet, God showed
Nebuchadnezzar “what things must come to pass in latter days” - (Daniel
The king dreamed of a large image with a
head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs
of iron, and feet, part iron and part clay. Then a stone “cut out without
hands" struck the image on its feet and shattered it into pieces,
after which the stone became a “great mountain that filled the whole earth.”
The “golden head” represented
Nebuchadnezzar. The silver breast symbolized an inferior kingdom that would
succeed him, likewise, the brass belly and thighs. The stone carved “without
hands” represented the final kingdom established by God, one that would “break
in pieces and consume all” the preceding regimes. In this, “God had
shown the king what things must come to pass after these things” - (Daniel
In reaction, Nebuchadnezzar prostrated
himself before Daniel and exalted him to rule over
the province of Babylon. He declared that Yahweh was “the God
of gods, Lord of kings and revealer of mysteries.”
And so, the mighty pagan ruler acknowledged
God’s sovereignty over nations and history. His own sovereignty was derived
from the “Most-High God,” and in this way, Yahweh revealed the future of
the World Empire. The rise of
empires WAS AND IS under His firm control.
In Chapter 3, the
king attempts to implement his dream by “making an image of gold.” However,
the entire image that he “set up” was covered in gold, not just its head.
He was determined to magnify his achievements and declare to all mankind that
his kingdom was an everlasting one. Had he not dreamed it?
At his command, all the “satraps,
nobles, pashas, chief judges, treasurers, judges, lawyers, and all
provincial governors were assembled to the dedication of the image… and they
stood before it.” All were commanded to “render homage to the image that
the king had set up,” and anyone who refused was cast into a fiery furnace -
(Daniel 3:1-6).
The “great image” represented the absolute
sovereignty of the Babylonian emperor over all the “peoples, races and
tongues.” The Aramaic verb rendered “set up” is the same one used in
Chapter 2 for the God who “sets up”
kings. Nine times in Chapter 3 the text states that Nebuchadnezzar “set up” his image, a Babylonian challenge
to the sovereignty of the God of Israel.
Some of the Chaldean “wise men” used
the situation to settle scores for their earlier loss of face. Though loyal to
the king, the Jewish exiles would not worship the image. When Nebuchadnezzar
heard this, he gave the three men a stark choice - Give allegiance to the
image or suffer a fiery death. After all, “Who is the god that shall deliver
you out of my hand?”
And the three exiles were cast into the
furnace but miraculously survived its overheated flames. Nebuchadnezzar saw
them “walking in the fire” with a fourth figure, one he described as “like
a son of the gods. With trepidation, he summoned the exiles to exit the
furnace and addressed them as the “servants of the Most-High God.”
Because the exiles had survived unscathed,
he “blessed the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego,” for He had “changed
the king’s word” by delivering His “servants.” The king then issued
a decree to “all peoples, nations and tongues” that anyone who spoke
disparagingly of Yahweh would be slain - (Daniel 3:13-25).
As before, praise and acknowledgment of God were heard on the lips of the powerful pagan ruler who also acknowledged the three Jewish exiles to be the servants of the “Most-High God.” Once more, the ruler of the latest incarnation of the World Empire acknowledged the sovereignty of the God of Israel.
And so, Nebuchadnezzar promoted Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abed-Nego, and thus, the sovereignty of Yahweh over historical
events was demonstrated once more. The presumptions and machinations of even
the world’s most powerful political machine could not thwart His purposes.
Similarly, Chapter 4 begins and ends with
Nebuchadnezzar as the sole ruler of the Empire, and he once again acknowledges
the sovereignty of God:
- “Blessed is the Most-High who lives forever! I praise and honor the One whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation. Before Him, all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and according to his own pleasure, He deals with the Host of Heaven and the inhabitants of the earth.”
History remembers Nebuchadnezzar as a great
builder and conqueror who established an empire from the Persian Gulf to the
gates of Egypt, a realm mightier than any preceding one. In contrast, Scripture
remembers him as an instrument employed by Yahweh to achieve His ends, despite the
plans of the Babylonian king.
Chapter 5 begins on the last evening
of the Babylonian Empire prior to its conquest by the kingdom of the “Medes and
Persians.” Babylon’s last
king, Belshazzar, gave a feast in which his retinue drank wine from the vessels
that had been removed from Yahweh’s Temple by Nebuchadnezzar, all while “praising
the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone.”
In that same hour, a hand began to write on
the wall. Disturbed, Belshazzar summoned the enchanters, soothsayers, and the “wise
men of Babylon” to interpret the writing, but none could do so.
As before, Daniel is summoned to interpret
the writing - ‘Mene, Mene Tekel Upharsin.’ The clause represents Aramaic
words associated with monetary weights - Mene, the equivalent of
the Hebrew “talent,” Tekel from the Jewish shekel,
and Peres from upharsin for “half-pieces,” the “half-mina.”
The last term provides a double wordplay – First, on the name “Persia,” the
power about to overthrow Babylon, and second, on the Aramaic verb for “divide”
which is from the consonantal stem p-r-s.
The Aramaic phrase signified that “God
has numbered your kingdom and brought it to an end” (mene), “you
are weighed in the balances and found wanting” (tekel), and “your
kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians”
(peres). Thus, Yahweh’s sovereignty was on full display as imperial sovereignty
was transferred from Babylon to the “Medes and Persians.”
That night, the “Medes and Persians”
captured the city and slew Belshazzar. Through the words of the Jewish exile,
Yahweh had deposed a king and cast down his empire while causing another realm of
even greater magnitude to assume the imperial role.
Thus, the Book of Daniel
demonstrates that Yahweh rules over the course of history. The plans,
intentions, and dictates of even the most powerful ruler cannot thwart His
purposes, and the defeat of His people by a pagan power is no impediment to His
redemptive plans.
Only time will tell whether the current
incarnation of the Ancient Empire will become the one that executes the
Dragon’s last-ditch effort to destroy the saints or fall like all of its
predecessors according to the will of the One who grants political power “to
whomsoever He pleases.” Regardless, every disciple of Jesus must take care
to give his allegiance to Jesus and his kingdom alone. Otherwise, he may find
himself bearing the “mark of the Beast,” and consequently, his name
expunged from the “Lamb’s Book of Life.”
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